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Welcome worldschoolers and travelers to our worldschooling blog! 

This blog is designed to inspire you to be daring, curious, and selfless. We share both our experiences and those of others so you can have first-hand information at your fingertips. Worldschooling is more than an education style for us…it is a lifestyle. The way we approach educating our kids has drastically changed how we approach the world, as we now embrace it with open minds and open ears. We have found that experience is the best teach, so keep an eye out for those interviews and personal recaps.

You’ll also find various resources to guide you through your alternative education journey–whether you choose worldschooling, unschooling, standard homeschooling, or something else. We chronicle our road trips by highlighting places to learn and serve along the way. Our goal is to give you roadmaps that will guide you on your next journey.

Some other things you’ll find include articles about serving local communities, making a difference while traveling or at home, and responsible travel and tourism. We are passionate about inspiring change and having a positive impact in the world. Join us on this wonderful adventure called life, and help us bridge cultures through travel, education, and service.

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