Author: Michael
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Learning through Play: Gameschooling with Gypsy Gameschooler
Gameschooling is a great way to learn through play. Join us in a great conversation with the Gypsy Gameschooler.
Hit the Road: Worldschooling Journey with Zelie Pollon
Today, we meet Zelie Pollon, a bad ass mom who encourages families to “Hit the Road” in both her marvelous book about worldschooling and her financial and real estate advising.
Finding Your Center with Leadership and Alignment Coach Kelli Reese
This is a great article to look inward and find balance. We share a conversation with Leadership and Alignment Coach, Kelli Reese.
How to Find the Best Travel Reviews: Interview with Tony Jefferson of
How much time have you spent searching for the best travel reviews when planning a trip? Nothing ever seems to fit just right, no matter how far you look. That’s because chances are the reviews you’re reading are from someone with far different circumstances than you–a different travel style, different…
An Unschooling Journey for Kids and Parents: Julieta Duvall Interview
Julieta Duvall is a flight attendant, blogger, and passionate mom. Take a look at how she tackles homeschooling with a twist and uses unschooling to improve the lives of her and her children.
Camino de Santiago Leadership Training Retreat with Adam G. Fleming
Join our friend Adam for this exclusive sabbatical coaching and travel experience while hiking on the Camino de Santiago.
Worldschooling Community San Antonio: Learn, Volunteer, Make Friends
Looking for a worldschooling community? Join our Cultural Excursion Worldschooling Hubs to learn, volunteer, and make friends.
Family-Friendly Adventures in Colorado: Travel Schooling the Rockies
If you’re looking for family-friendly adventures, Colorado is the perfect place for culturally-immersive and educational travel.